Mandu Ionut, IX A
Proiectul Comenius mi-a oferit oportunitatea de a vizita o alta tara care are o multime de lucruri diferite fata de Romania. Spre exemplu: cultura, istoria, civilizatia si modul lor de organizare. Sunt foarte incantat deoarece am avut sansa sa cunosc oameni noi, sa discut cu ei in engleza dar in acelasi timp sa-mi exersez propriile cunostinte. | Comenius project offered me the opportunity to visit another country which has a lot of different things as compared to Romania. For example: culture, history, civilization and their way of organization. I'm very excited because I had the chance to meet new people, to discuss with them in English and in the same time to practice my own knowledge. |
Gilca Florin, XI A
Parerea mea despre Turcia este una foarte buna, deoarece turcii sunt mult mai deschisi decat romanii, sunt foarte primitori, ospitalieri si foarte saritori.
Mi-a placut foarte mult istoria lor. Orasul Zonguldak, ale carui porti ni le-a deschis proiectul multilateral Comenius “I feel good”,desi micut, nu este un oras de neglijat. Are si el frumusetile lui si oamenii de acolo m-au facut sa ma simt ca la mine acasa.
Scoala lor: ce sa zic, ca toate celelalte scoli plictisitoare,dar profesorii mi-au parut foarte prietenosi, de altfel ca si toti copiii din acea scoala. Imi pareau genul de profesori care, daca te-ai fi dus la ei cu o problema, ar fi incercat sa te ajute imediat.
Spectacolul de final: cel mai tare spectacol la care am participat de cand ma stiu. Mi-au placut dansurile lor specifice din fiecare regiune a Turciei si nu in ultimul rand distractia dinaintea inceperii spectacolului si de la final. A fost de neuitat!
Nu in ultimul rand, orasul Istanbul ne-a surprins cu amalgamul de arome. Un oras foarte mare intins pe 2 continente cu o istorie la fel de vasta. Chiar daca ai sta o saptamana intreaga ,pot fi sigur de asta, nu te-ai plictisi si cred ca nu ti-ar ajunge timpul sa descoperi orasul in intregime. Pe fiecare zi ai vizita cate ceva si invata din istoria lor.
By Florin Gilca, XI A
My opinion about Turkey is a very good one because the Turks are more open than the Romanians, very welcoming, hospitable and helpful.
I really liked their history. Zonguldak, the town whose gates were opened for us by the multilateral Comenius Project “I feel good” is not a place to be neglected. It's got its own beauties and the people there made me feel like home from the very beginning.
Their school: what can I say? It is like all the other schools I know- boring, but the teachers seemed very friendly and I actually like all children in that school. They seemed the kind of teachers who, in case you had asked for help to solve a problem, they would have done their best to help you immediately.
Final show: the coolest show I have attended since I was born. I liked their dances which were typical for of each region of Turkey and last but not least, I also enjoyed the fun before the show begins and ends. It was amazing!
In the end, Istanbul surprised us with its various flavours. A great city lying on two continents with a vast history. Even if you stay a full week, be sure, you won’t be bored; better think how to organize your time better to find out each and every corner of the city. Each day is an opportunity to experience something new.
Lots of thanks to Comenius programme and to the teachers who selected me for the project as well!
Radu Alexandru, XI A
La inceput am fost sceptic cu privire la ce am sa gasesc acolo, imaginea mea despre Turcia fiind slaba, dar cand am ajuns sa descopar frumusetile din tara lor impresia mea s-a schimbat. Am observat ca turcii sunt foarte patrioti, sunt mandri cu istoria lor si il respecta foarte mult pe Ataturk, iar cultura politica este foarte dezvoltata fata de cea de la noi. Orasul Zonguldak mi-a lasat impresia de un oras mic si primitor, cu oameni care sunt mai deschisi convorbirii; gazdele au fost oameni de incredere si ospitalieri. Scoala din Zonguldak este buna din punct de vedere al organizarii, acest aspect observandu-se prin uniforma elevilor, atelierele de lucru pentru fiecare materie, si alte aspecte vizibile in interiorul scolii. Profesorii lor par a avea o conexiunea mai buna cu elevii. Organizarea evenimentului de final din Zonguldak a fost frumos, au prezentat dansurile lor traditionale, ne-au dat sansa sa incercam cateva din ele, au organizat jocuri sportive pentru cei curajosi. Turcia este deosebita in felul ei la fel ca orice alta tara. | At first, I was skeptic about what I was going to find there because my vision about Turkey was a poor one, but when I had the chance to discover their country, my outlook changed. I noticed that Turkish people are very patriot, proud of their history; I was impressed about the fact that many tourists visit their old buildings and monuments. Zonguldak was a small and welcoming town inhabited by people who are very open to conversation; the hosts were reliable and hospitable.Zonguldak school was a very well organized institution; you can see it from students’ uniforms, their workshops, and other things. The teacher seemed to have a better connection with their students. The final event was organized very well. They showed us their traditional dance, they let us try some of them, and they organized sport games contests. Only nice memories from Turkey thanks to out Comenius project “I feel good”! Long live Comenius programme! |
Bănuţă Mihai, XI B
The experience offered by the “I feel good” Comenius project meeting in Turkey was a unique one, when I felt like home.
What impressed me most was the difference between schools, the agricultural skills which our Turkish partners managed to practice at the vegetable patch on the premises of their school, the school hall of music and design where you can find anything you need to put into practice your creative ideas.
But more than all these, I enjoyed to know people and learn about their habits.
I will always remember this experience which I may not repeat once again.
Experienta prilejuita de reuniunea proiectului Comenius “I feel good” din Turcia a fost una unica, unde m-am simtit ca acasa..
M-a impresionat diferenta dintre scoli, agricultura pe care ei o au dezvoltat-o in incinta scolii,sala de muzica si desen, unde ai tot ce iti trebuie pentru a-ti pune in practica ideile creative.
Cel mai mult mi-a placut sa cunosc persoane noi si sa invat despre obiceiurile lor.
O sa-mi amintesc mereu cu placere de aceasta experienta, pe care probabil, nu o sa o mai traies niciodata.
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